Fazzio Fiduciary Accounting
Probate | Trust | Conservatorship
Accountings for Estates, Conservatorships and Guardianships will include (California Probate Code 1060-1064):

Total Property on Hand at Beginning of Account Period
    -Cash Assets
    -Non-Cash Assets
Additional Property Received
Receipts During Period of Account (Chronologically and by Category)
Gains on Sales
Other Charges (if any)
Net Income from Trade or Business (if any)
Total Charges

Disbursements during Period of Account (Chronologically and by Category)
Losses on Sales
Distributions to Beneficiary, Heir, Conservatee or Ward (if any)
Other Credits (if any)
Net Loss from Trade or Business (if any)

Property on Hand at End of Account Period Consisting of:
    -Cash Assets
    -Non-Cash Assets (Carry Value)
Total Credits
Transfers into and out of accounts / Changes in Form of Assets
Reconciliation to Bank Statements
Schedule of Liabilities (if any)
Accountings for Trusts will include the same as described above (California Probate Code 1060-1064) with the addition of a detailed breakdown of Receipts and Disbursements of Principal and Income that have occurred (California Probate Code 16063).

***IMPORTANT*** Identification and allocation of Principal and Income Receipts / Disbursements is the responsibility of the Trustee and should accompany the accounting source material. If you aren’t sure about proper allocations, please consult with your attorney. If such information is not provided, the accounting will NOT INCLUDE Principal vs. Income allocations.